Our Seuss book for the day is "One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish" which is one of MY favorite Seuss books!! The kids loved it!! Our activity for today was fish bowls! I found the images, which are exactly like the book cover, from googling it! Then I free-handed a fish bowl shape from blue cardstock and cut the middle out. I taped plastic wrap to the back of the opening. Then I cut the same bowl shape from white paper and let them color it. Then we glued our fish onto the white paper and then decorated with glitter(my least favorite thing to use!) and let it dry. Finally, we put the blue bowl on top of the white with tape and WAH-LAH! A fish bowl! It was super fun to do and I highly recommend it!!

On to the next topic of the day and the most important: It's Little A's 3rd birthday!! I can't believe it!! The pic below is from the day we came home from the hospital! He had on a billy band for jaundice, he had a heart murmur and he kept failing his hearing tests! I was so sad for him! Now he is in tip-top shape!

Below is a pic from his first birthday party! He was a little freaked out but once he got a cupcake in him, he mellowed out! =)

This is from his 2nd birthday, which we had a month late because we were moving!! It was fun! He was SSOOO sick though! He just coasted through the day!

Here he is today, a THREE year old!!! I can't believe how much he has blessed our lives!! I am grateful daily to be his mommy!!!

Tomorrow is his party and I am very excited!! I love this little boy and I hope he has the best day EVER!!
P.S. I realized my post from yesterday looks almost EXACTLY like a post from Serving Pink Lemonade! That wasn't my intention but it's an AMAZING blog! Check it out at
www.servingpinklemonade.blogspot.com !
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