Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fun weekend and week!

This week has been crazy!! At least the weekend was! Spent Saturday just hanging out with my hubby and kiddos. Sunday we went to church and then went to my moms house for swimming and a BBQ. Yummo! My brother is an amazing griller (if that's a word!). Monday my family and I spent the day at Idlewild Park. It's a super fun family park with lots of rides and a big pool! We had fun even though it was so hot! This week we have been indoors trying not to die from heat exhaustion!! It's not only been 90+ degrees out but the humidity matches it!! It's horrible! They say a cold front is moving in tomorrow! Hopefully it will rain and give my grass a drink! It's turning brown.:(

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day and enjoy life!!!