We had a fun day today! We started the day by "discovering" that a leprechaun had left little green foot prints all over the kitchen (I can't believe I didn't get a pic =() and realizing that he also left a pot of rainbow filled treats on the counter! The boys were so excited! We then had green pancakes shaped like shamrocks!
Below is a pic of one of the pancakes. Doesn't look green, but it was REALLY green when you cut it open!

Here's M (and a little bit of the hubby!) eating their pancakes! M was trying to get some syrup! What good is a pancake without syrup?!

Little A wasn't with it today! He's a sick little guy =( But I took a pic anyways!

Here are rainbow cupcakes I made for a Primary activity last weekend. I iced them white and added rainbow sprinkles and the kids went bananas for them!! I got the recipe from
www.familyfun.com. They take a while to make, but I'd be willing to make them once a year!

Hope everyone had a fun day! Make the most of your days, especially if you have little ones! They will be grown and moved out before you know it!!