"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." - Matthew 5:16
Monday, May 3, 2010
Homeschooling excitement!
I have been really buckling down and getting ready for the venture of homeschooling and I'm excitedly terrified...if that makes sense! What curriculum to use? Am I doing the right thing? Will M do well? Will little A let me help M when he needs it? All these crazy questions are running through my head CONSTANTLY!!! Then I start doubting myself. Then I become almost sad!!! Then I realize WHY I wanted to do this in the first place. I want my children to be incredibly intelligent. I want them to have one on one time and learn things they couldn't at school because of time constraints. I know that what I have taught M and little A are already sticking! Besides all these things, I know that it is right for US. It is what I've prayed about and felt is the best for us. I didn't always think I would homeschool. But the closer it got to M going to Kindergarten, the more I didn't feel right putting him in school. I pushed the feelings aside and thought that going to school was the best for M and the bad feelings got stronger! So here I go, diving head first into a venture that will change the lives of me and my boys forever! Pray for me!! I need it so very much!! Thanks for listening to my ramblings!!!
Family is Happiness!

Yesterday in our Relief Society meeting we discussed "The Family: A Proclamation to the World." It got me thinking about how truly blessed I am to have my family. I have a great husband and two amazing children. I have a wonderful extended family and I feel extremely happy. I love knowing that we are an eternal family. I love knowing that if we live correctly we will be together again. If you want to learn more about the church, visit the church's website at http://www.lds.org/. That's the church's official website. Look for yourself at the beauty of the Lord's restored church. Thanks for reading!!!
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