Three more days until I embark on the wonderful journey that is homeschooling! I'm not quite prepared but hopefully I'll have everything done this weekend. We have a house of sick people here and tomorrow my hubby is getting a scope done because he is feeling bad. They think either an ulcer or a hernia. We'll see. I can't wait to know because waiting makes me CRAZY!!!! I love him and wouldn't be able to do anything that I do without him!!
M woke up last night just miserable. He came in our bed and layed by me and felt like a heating blanket! He had a fever and he was hot EVERYWHERE! Even his little hands and feet were hot! He seems to be doing a lot better. Hopefully it stays that way. Little A has had a snotty nose for days. No fever but lots and lots of boogies!
I love life! My family is amazing and I am glad for what I've been blessed with! Have a great day and thanks for visiting!!!!!
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." - Matthew 5:16
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
It's HERE!!!!!!!!!!
Was outside with my hubby and two kiddos this morning cutting down a tree (yes cutting down a tree on our anniversary) and a glorious messenger arrived with gleaming gifts for me! Actually, the FedX guy came with three boxes for M's homeschooling adventure! WOW! That's all I can say!!! The products and books we received are beyond average!! I will have to take a picture of all the things and post them, once I figure out how to take pictures of my camera!!!!!! I feel like it's Christmas for ME! M is super excited as well!! He wanted to start today!! I'm ssssooooooooo excited to do this with him! I even planned activities for little A to do! It should be super fun!!!
Hope you had a glorious day! Thanks for stopping by!!
Hope you had a glorious day! Thanks for stopping by!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Happy Anniversary!!
Tomorrow August 18 will be my 9 year anniversary to the most awesome man I know! I love you Adam and hope that life continues to be amazing with you! Through thick and thin and ups and downs YOU are the one who is by my side! Never forget how awesome you are!!
I hope everyone had a great day today!! Thanks for stopping by!
I hope everyone had a great day today!! Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
My hubby took Friday and tomorrow off of work so we could spend time together as a family. But we missed church today! I thought that it was only this one time and we haven't missed in a long time so it wouldn't be a big deal. is!!!! I feel like I missed a dose of medicine that I need to survive! It's weird! The kids were even odd! M asked me why we were missing church and I couldn't tell him why! We were supposed to go camping but we didn't go on account of the rain. Blech!! That's how I feel!! Oh well! Hopefully the week goes fast!
Have a great day! Thanks for stopping by!!!!
Have a great day! Thanks for stopping by!!!!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Peace, Be Still
No I don't feel this way all of the time, but boy I wish I did!!! :)
Did you ever have one of these days or weeks? I sure hope everyone feels this way once in a while!! Have a great day!!
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