"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." - Matthew 5:16
Friday, May 28, 2010
Facebook makes me crazy!
I just started the whole facebook thing! Yeah crazy I know! It's nuts! I know so many people and remember so many people than I ever thought I would! It's nice to see old faces and see what everyone's up to. I moved quite a bit as a youngster so I know a lot more than maybe I would like to!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Lazy Days!
Hope everyone got to have a wonderful, peaceful Sabbath Day! We went to church, came home, ate lunch/dinner and went to the park and relaxed! I love the Sabbath and all that we are asked to try not to do. No work or shopping! Two of my least favorite things!! :) We are told to serve others and be good to one another and let our bodies regain strength for the next week! Awesome!
Enjoy your week and let the Lord bless you by following the commandments!
Enjoy your week and let the Lord bless you by following the commandments!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
All is calm...
The kiddos are asleep or at least laying in their beds and I'm hearing nothing! I didn't realize how lonely that can be! My hubby is still at work and I'm by myself with SILENCE! Oh well! At least I have my computer?? That's pathetic considering I barely know how to use the thing!
Have a great evening!
Have a great evening!
Monday, May 17, 2010
My boys!
A different beautiful day! This is a picture of my boys at one of our favorite parks! Aren't they awesome! The picture was taken a while ago, but I love it! It would probably be a prettier pic if there were leaves on the trees but awesome just the same!

I love nature and being outside, even though I can't breath because of my allergies! We are so blessed to have this beautiful place to call home! We have a loving Father in heaven and His Son who created all of this for us to enjoy! Take some time out of your day to literally stop, and smell the roses! We are so blessed!
Hopefully my hubby will put the pics on the computer from the awesome sunset last night!
Enjoy each and every day!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Just a GREAT day!
You ever have one of those days that are just great? Today was a great day for my family and me! We went to church and had a blast. Learned about prophets and the blessings that come with living in this period of time! I got a new calling in the Primary of our church. I get to work with the kiddos! Kind of scared but excited at the same time! Came home and had our home teachers visit us. It was awesome! Then we ate dinner with our family and had a nice visit. Nothing special or spectacular but a great day none the less! And what a beautiful sunset! I'll have to post pics of it tomorrow!
Hope your day was as GREAT as mine!!!
Hope your day was as GREAT as mine!!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
What is Modesty?
I was reading my son's magazine "The Friend" (which can be aquired a www.lds.org) and there is a little miny article about modesty. What is modesty? Now days it is so hard to define! Is it making sure you are covered? Is it making sure your shirts aren't too snug? Is is making sure your skirts are long enough? It's tough for most people to define exactly what modesty is. To me it is looking in the mirror and asking, " Would I be comfortable in the presence of the Lord?" If the answer is no, than I need to rethink my clothing choices!
There is a modesty checklist in the magazine article that states:
1. My shoulders are covered.
2. My shirt covers my stomach.
3. My shorts or skirt go to my knees.
4. My shirt is not low-cut.
5. My clothes are not tight.
6. I don't look sloppy.
7. My hair is combed.
8. My clothes are not saggy, torn, or holey to fit in with a style.
9. Labels or words on my clothes are respectful, not rude or offensive.
Seems like a long list for children huh? But we as parents need to start now in preparing our children for the future. Modesty seems like a forgotten law. The Lord wants us to shine because of our countenance, not for our body parts being exposed. We are the examples for the children and adults around us. Be kind to yourself. Take care of the precious body Heavenly Father has given you! It's a blessing to have a body! This seems like such a touchy subject to some people, especially for the ladies! In the scriptures it reads:
"In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array." - 1 Timothy 2:9
We should dress and groom ourselves with praise to the Lord! Not for worldly attention.
Be good to yourselves and thanks for letting me vent! I'm not perfect at this by any means! My hair can be a disaster some days! Some of the clothes I wear seem ok at home and then I go and have to sit and I'm tugging at my shirt in the back! Just try your best to serve the Lord ! He will bless you!!
There is a modesty checklist in the magazine article that states:
1. My shoulders are covered.
2. My shirt covers my stomach.
3. My shorts or skirt go to my knees.
4. My shirt is not low-cut.
5. My clothes are not tight.
6. I don't look sloppy.
7. My hair is combed.
8. My clothes are not saggy, torn, or holey to fit in with a style.
9. Labels or words on my clothes are respectful, not rude or offensive.
Seems like a long list for children huh? But we as parents need to start now in preparing our children for the future. Modesty seems like a forgotten law. The Lord wants us to shine because of our countenance, not for our body parts being exposed. We are the examples for the children and adults around us. Be kind to yourself. Take care of the precious body Heavenly Father has given you! It's a blessing to have a body! This seems like such a touchy subject to some people, especially for the ladies! In the scriptures it reads:
"In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array." - 1 Timothy 2:9
We should dress and groom ourselves with praise to the Lord! Not for worldly attention.
Be good to yourselves and thanks for letting me vent! I'm not perfect at this by any means! My hair can be a disaster some days! Some of the clothes I wear seem ok at home and then I go and have to sit and I'm tugging at my shirt in the back! Just try your best to serve the Lord ! He will bless you!!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Sick kiddo!
Yuck! Little A is sick! He has boogers and his eyes are all watery and he has a little bit of a cough. I feel so bad. He is in 'mommy' mode. It makes me a little happy because ,for anyone who knows little A, he is a mover and a shaker! He likes to climb and jump and explore everything! Now he just wants mommy! It sets me behind a little because I didn't get done what I needed to get done but it'll all be here tomorrow!
Take the time today to be with your little ones! They grow so very fast! Love them, cherish them and give them lots of hugs and kisses!!
Have a great day and I hope it's a beautiful day where ever you are!!!
Take the time today to be with your little ones! They grow so very fast! Love them, cherish them and give them lots of hugs and kisses!!
Have a great day and I hope it's a beautiful day where ever you are!!!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
One step closer!
Today Adam and I took M to a seminar for the cyber charter school we have looked into for him. Not exactly homeschooling but it has amazing curriculum. We were so impressed with the program that we signed him up! We are thrilled and so is M. It feels better to have made this step forward. They have all of the basic programs for Kindergarten kids and a bunch of extras. After we get started we are going to participate in a little chef program. M has always had a thing for cooking and being in the kitchen. He was thrilled when we told him about it and he's even more excited that he will get a chef hat!
Through all of this I have discovered that all the decisions you make have an affect on those around you. They may be tough decisions, but you don't have to make them on your own. Pray! Pray and ask Heavenly Father for his advice. His opinion is all that truly matters! People may not like your ideas and plans for life but that's just life! I know that within my own family nobody agrees on the same thing. It is a rare occasion! But that's OK! Heavenly Father gave us the right to choose what is correct for each of us in our own circumstances! That's an amazing blessing! Do what is right in your own heart! Do what is pleasing to the Lord! You will be blessed for it!
Have a great day! Hope your's isn't as wet as mine!! The rain is back!!!
Through all of this I have discovered that all the decisions you make have an affect on those around you. They may be tough decisions, but you don't have to make them on your own. Pray! Pray and ask Heavenly Father for his advice. His opinion is all that truly matters! People may not like your ideas and plans for life but that's just life! I know that within my own family nobody agrees on the same thing. It is a rare occasion! But that's OK! Heavenly Father gave us the right to choose what is correct for each of us in our own circumstances! That's an amazing blessing! Do what is right in your own heart! Do what is pleasing to the Lord! You will be blessed for it!
Have a great day! Hope your's isn't as wet as mine!! The rain is back!!!
Monday, May 10, 2010
The coolest thing happened today! My little brother and his wife found out today that they are having TWINS!!!!! Big A will have two little brothers/sisters or one of each. It's crazy! I'm very excited for them and I wish them all of the best. They will do amazing with their little family! YYYEEEEAAAHHHH!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!
Hello all you mamas! Happy Mothers Day, a little bit early! :) Hope you have a great day! Love your kiddos and smile they are all yours! I love that! Live righteously and you can have eternity with them!
A picture of me and my kiddos from last Mother's Day! I love my boys! They are too cute!
A picture of my beautiful mommy (who will kill me if she sees this)! I love you Mommy!!!
A picture of me and my kiddos from last Mother's Day! I love my boys! They are too cute!

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Be grateful, be humble, be prayerful.....
My three purposes...... they make me happy, happy, happy!!

Today was an eye opening day. I was brought face to face with something I wasn't expecting. I saw a person who is suffering from an illness that has no cure. This person is wonderful and doesn't ask for help. This person is giving up SSSOOOO much to live with this disease. It makes you humble. I instantly started thinking of my life and all the blessings that I have and how grateful I am to be healthy and living. How grateful I am that my husband and kids are well and that my family is doing well. I realized how many times a day I say "whoa is me" and how selfish I am. I think about me way too much and I need to put my focus on others. I was reading somewhere just recently about the Savior and what he did while he was here. It said something along the lines that He did not come here to be served, He came to do service. What an amazing thing!! In an article in the April 2010 "Ensign" magazine (you can find the article at http://www.lds.org/ ) entitled "Becoming a Quality Person" there is an awesome line that says,"Fill your life with service, education, personality development, love for all, and other such meaningful traits. Live with purpose each day." That's awesome! To live each day with a purpose. It could be teaching your children the gospel as a stay-at-home mama, doing service for someone who can't help themselves, helping your husband or wife become the people they want to be, or simply helping a neighbor by carrying in their groceries. The Lord knows each of us and what we are capable of. Live life with purpose. I will work on it too!!! This life is just a speck in the eternal aspects of things. All we are expected to do is live it with righteousness and follow the commandments!
Have a beautiful day!! Do something good to make yourself a more quality person!!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
My Family!
This is a picture of my side of the family. I have three brothers...yeah! Living with three brothers made me tough at least. All my nieces and nephews are there. My brothers are the two tall bald ones and the one kneeling with the dogs. The man in the pink shirt is a friend of our family. The girl with dark hair on the left is my brothers, the one with the hat, girlfriend. The girl in the pink shirt is my little brothers wife. The beauty down on the end in the black shirt is MaDukes. And the two dogs are my brothers...kids? That's what he says anyways. That's my family. I'll have to get a picture of Adams side of the family and post it too.

I love family. Even when it's hard, they are family. There is great comfort in that. None of my family members are members of the church like I am and that's OK. They support me now and that's all I need. Someday maybe I'll get them whipped into shape!!! Just kidding! The Lord leads and guides people in their own time. The time He had planned for me was perfect. It will be 10 years this August since I joined the church. I was ready for it. I didn't go looking for it. It found me. My husband introduced me to the church. I just felt it. You know what I mean? When every fiber of your being knows it's right even when your brain is trying to fight it. I'm still working on my testimony. All I know is that the church is true. Other religions have amazing truths to them as well, but we have the entire gospel in our grasps. It's amazing!! I was reading through my scriptures looking at the things I highlighted and it reassures me constantly that what I'm doing is right. I read about baptisms for the dead, Christ teaching in the Spirit World, and all the things that need to transpire before Christ comes again. It's happening and some don't see it. The Lord knows us each and knows the desires in our hearts. Keep your head up and your heart open! Amazing things will happen!
That's enough rambling!!! Thank you for stopping by and checking things out in my average ordinary life!!!!! Hope you are having a great day!!!!!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Making pinecone birdfeeders?!
These pictures crack me up!!! The boys are supposed to be making birdfeeders! I handed them the plastic knives to put the peanut butter onto the pinecones and this is what happened! I made the feeders and they ate the peanut butter! This is M showing just how much fun the activity was! YUMMO!!!!

This is a picture of little A loving the peanut butter! If you look closely, you can see bird seed on the knife! He grabbed by knife by mistake! Hey, whatever makes them happy.....right?
This is the finished product. At first there were no birds! After a day or two the birdfeeders were empty and our yard was full of birds!

It was a very fun and messy project. Also it is as cheap as can be. Just pinecones(I took them from my neighbors yard!), peanut butter and bird seed!! Wah lah! I hung them by string and they stayed put! We had a crazy storm the next day and they blew back and forth but never came off!!
This is a picture of little A loving the peanut butter! If you look closely, you can see bird seed on the knife! He grabbed by knife by mistake! Hey, whatever makes them happy.....right?
It was a very fun and messy project. Also it is as cheap as can be. Just pinecones(I took them from my neighbors yard!), peanut butter and bird seed!! Wah lah! I hung them by string and they stayed put! We had a crazy storm the next day and they blew back and forth but never came off!!
Hope your day is as pretty as ours here in western PA!!! Have a great one!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Homeschooling excitement!
I have been really buckling down and getting ready for the venture of homeschooling and I'm excitedly terrified...if that makes sense! What curriculum to use? Am I doing the right thing? Will M do well? Will little A let me help M when he needs it? All these crazy questions are running through my head CONSTANTLY!!! Then I start doubting myself. Then I become almost sad!!! Then I realize WHY I wanted to do this in the first place. I want my children to be incredibly intelligent. I want them to have one on one time and learn things they couldn't at school because of time constraints. I know that what I have taught M and little A are already sticking! Besides all these things, I know that it is right for US. It is what I've prayed about and felt is the best for us. I didn't always think I would homeschool. But the closer it got to M going to Kindergarten, the more I didn't feel right putting him in school. I pushed the feelings aside and thought that going to school was the best for M and the bad feelings got stronger! So here I go, diving head first into a venture that will change the lives of me and my boys forever! Pray for me!! I need it so very much!! Thanks for listening to my ramblings!!!
Family is Happiness!

Yesterday in our Relief Society meeting we discussed "The Family: A Proclamation to the World." It got me thinking about how truly blessed I am to have my family. I have a great husband and two amazing children. I have a wonderful extended family and I feel extremely happy. I love knowing that we are an eternal family. I love knowing that if we live correctly we will be together again. If you want to learn more about the church, visit the church's website at http://www.lds.org/. That's the church's official website. Look for yourself at the beauty of the Lord's restored church. Thanks for reading!!!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Yeah Yankees!!
Big B's team won their third straight game!! It was cool! Even though it did rain a bit on us, it didn't stop them from winning! Big B played short stop and catcher. Catcher is his favorite. I'm proud of him and am happy that he's my nephew. I love him, even though he told me not to cheer for him because it would be embarassing! :) I cheered anyways and he didn't know any difference!! Love ya Big B!
Little A's 2nd Birthday Party!
These are some pics from little A's birthday party at the request of MaDukes!! We had fun at little A's party. He was really sick though! We didn't even know if we could have the party and we had postponed it already before because of the move. But we made it!
Below is a pic of him opening his presents with the help of all of his cousins!! He didn't know really what to do which suprised me but it didn't take him long to get into the swing of things!!!

The next pic is of Big A whackin' the pinata! I didn't get a lot of pics of her so I definitely wanted to show her some how!! WOW what a hit! Do u like the garbage piled up in the corner? The party was about a week after we moved in. What was I thinkin'? Also we were very safe with the kids too. That's a copper pipe with electrical tape around it that she's using to hit the pinata. Awesome, huh?
Below is a pic of him opening his presents with the help of all of his cousins!! He didn't know really what to do which suprised me but it didn't take him long to get into the swing of things!!!
The next pic is of Big A whackin' the pinata! I didn't get a lot of pics of her so I definitely wanted to show her some how!! WOW what a hit! Do u like the garbage piled up in the corner? The party was about a week after we moved in. What was I thinkin'? Also we were very safe with the kids too. That's a copper pipe with electrical tape around it that she's using to hit the pinata. Awesome, huh?
The next pic is of the kids with MaDukes eating pizza. That's why little B's face had sauce on it in the other pic I posted before! I like big B's face! It's cool!
I can't wait for Big B's party! He has a luau every year and it's a blast. I'll definitely post pics of that in July.
Have a great day! Remember to enjoy your kids while they are little! Help them become everything that the Lord wants them to be. They are amazing and fascinating to watch!
Well we have to get ready for Big B's game. It's not raining which is awesome so we're going to cheer him on! GO YANKEES!
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